Portable Calm Down Sensory Kit
Our Ref #: 9MSES
People with special needs, attention deficit or sensory processing difficulties can often become stressed or overstimulated unpredictably. Our Portable Calm Down Sensory Kit is ideal for people, who benefit from easy to set up self regulation wherever they are.
Kit includes Mirror ball and rotator, Small Bean Bag Chair, Massage mat and cover, Mist DeLight Aroma Diffuser, Active Aquarium Bubble Column with 9 fish, Solar 80 FX LED projector, 3 x SNAP wheels, 100 tail fiber optics with sparkle light source, Big Mack communicator, soft frame Bubble Mirror, Outlet on/off Control centre, LED Prisma Disco Light, Ball Switch.
Items may be subject to change due to availability.
Personal use item. For hygienic reasons, this kit is not returnable.
People with special needs, attention deficit or sensory processing difficulties can often become stressed or overstimulated unpredictably. Our Portable Calm Down Sensory Kit is ideal for people, who benefit from easy to set up self regulation wherever they are.
Kit includes Mirror ball and rotator, Small Bean Bag Chair, Massage mat and cover, Mist DeLight Aroma Diffuser, Active Aquarium Bubble Column with 9 fish, Solar 80 FX LED projector, 3 x SNAP wheels, 100 tail fiber optics with sparkle light source, Big Mack communicator, soft frame Bubble Mirror, Outlet on/off Control centre, LED Prisma Disco Light, Ball Switch.
Items may be subject to change due to availability.
Personal use item. For hygienic reasons, this kit is not returnable.