Creating Calming Sensory-Friendly Spaces: A Guide for Home and School

Posted by Jesse on 22nd May 2024

Creating sensory-friendly spaces at home and school is essential for promoting comfort, relaxation, and well-being for individuals with sensory processing needs. Whether it's a cozy corner in your living room or a dedicated area (Zen Den) in a classroom, these spaces can significantly enhance focus, reduce stress, and foster a sense of security. Here’s a guide to help you meet sensory needs while creating these nurturing environments. 

For funding purposes, all toys, tools, and equipment must help with specific goals or meet specific sensory needs and be recommended by your clinician. If they are covered/funded by provincial health care systems, all items must support a therapy program that a government-approved clinical professional oversees. Also, AAC stands for Augmented and Alternative Communication. Sensory funding can also be used if the products support AAC.

Key Elements of Sensory-Friendly Spaces

1. Lighting

  • Adjustable Lighting: Incorporate dimmable lights or lamps with adjustable brightness to allow control over the lighting intensity. Avoid harsh fluorescent lights that can be overwhelming
  • Calming Colors: Use light bulbs with a warm hue and avoid stark, bright lights. Consider LED lights that can change colors for a calming effect.

2. Sound

  • Soundproofing: Use rugs, curtains, and soft furnishings to absorb noise and reduce echoes. This can create a quieter and more serene environment.
  • White Noise Machines: These can help mask distracting background noises and provide a consistent, soothing sound.
  • Music: Soft, instrumental music can be calming. Provide options for individuals to choose their preferred sounds.

3. Textures

  • Soft Furnishings: Incorporate soft, tactile materials such as plush rugs, cushions, and blankets. These can provide a comforting touch experience.
  • Variety of Textures: Offer a range of textures to cater to different sensory needs, such as smooth, rough, or fuzzy materials.

4. Visuals

  • Minimalist Design: Keep the space clutter-free to avoid visual overstimulation. Use simple, soothing decor.
  • Calming Colors: Opt for a colour palette with soft, neutral tones like blues, greens, and pastels. These colors can create a tranquil atmosphere.

5. Movement and Comfort

  • Seating Options: Offer a variety of seating options like bean bags, rocking chairs, and cushions. Flexible seating allows individuals to find their most comfortable position.
  • Swing or Hammock: If space allows, consider adding a swing or hammock for a gentle rocking motion, which can be soothing.

Creating Sensory-Friendly Spaces at Home

  • Quiet Corner: Designate a quiet corner in a low-traffic area of your home. Include soft seating, dimmable lighting, and sensory toys or fidget tools. Have a look at our 2AHSR, or personal calming kit,
  • Sensory Room: If space permits, dedicate a whole room as a sensory retreat. Fill it with sensory-rich items like weighted blankets and stuffed animals like Theo the Therapy Dog, bubble tubes like our Budget Bubble Tube 9BC120U, and tactile walls like our Textured Silicone Sensory Mats.
  • Flexible Design: Ensure the space is adaptable to changing needs. As sensory preferences can vary, having a flexible design allows for easy adjustments.

Creating Sensory-Friendly Spaces at School

  • Calm Down Area: Establish a calm down area in the classroom where students can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed. Equip it with noise-canceling headphones, soft seating, and calming visuals. So many schools love the TFH Sensory Tx Kit
  • Sensory Breaks: Integrate sensory breaks into the school schedule. Short breaks with activities like stretching, deep breathing, or tactile play can help students reset.
  • Inclusive Design: Collaborate with occupational therapists to design spaces that meet diverse sensory needs. This ensures the environment is supportive for all students.

By thoughtfully incorporating elements that cater to various sensory preferences, you can create soothing and empowering environments – and TFH Canada can help! Get in touch today for your free consultation.