Giant Cascading Balls and Beads Tube Insert
Our Ref #: 9BC200PG
Bubbles from your existing tube rise with the current speed selected to medium or high, this narrow current creator slots into the middle of your existing column so as the colored LED lights change, your beads or balls are gently lifted and then cascade down to the bottom. The flurry of rising air bubbles in the tube are guided into the current creator to carry the brightly colored balls to the top of an inner tube and then gently pushing them over the edge to cascade back down to the bottom.
Track a certain coloured ball or anticipate the emergence of a certain bead.
No tools needed to slot this additional piece of visual interest into your existing bubble column.
Bubbles from your existing tube rise with the current speed selected to medium or high, this narrow current creator slots into the middle of your existing column so as the colored LED lights change, your beads or balls are gently lifted and then cascade down to the bottom. The flurry of rising air bubbles in the tube are guided into the current creator to carry the brightly colored balls to the top of an inner tube and then gently pushing them over the edge to cascade back down to the bottom.
Track a certain coloured ball or anticipate the emergence of a certain bead.
No tools needed to slot this additional piece of visual interest into your existing bubble column.