Your body's movement is controlled by Proprioception. This sensory system ensures that you know what your body is doing (so you can crack an egg, pour the tea and even open the sachet). Proprioception is a sense that usually concerns movement, but can be stimulated by pressure, vibration and massage.
Other categories within Sensory Integration (Swings)
Categories within Proprioception
Squeeze Machine - Deep Pressure device
3.7777777777778 out of 5 stars
11 reviews
£289.00 excl. vat
Weighted Pad, soft textured square lap or shoulder pad.
5 out of 5 stars
1 reviews
£14.95 excl. vat
Wilbarger Brush. Soft, Plastic Surgical Brush for Pressure Therapy
5 out of 5 stars
1 reviews
£9.99 excl. vat